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Old 04-27-2014, 01:26 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Gulf Shores, AL & Leeds, AL
Posts: 52
Default Not Really a Camping Story

I bought a 3326 King three weeks ago. I took it to my Gulf Shores, AL home and left it there closed. It was raining heavily. I had to leave to go back to Birmingham the next morning.

This weekend was the great revealing. The whole neighborhood had been texting me with questions about the TM. One lady wanted to know if I was just going to sleep in it because it was too short to anyone to stand-up.

This past Friday morning, I opened the TM. I expected everyone to flock to it. Instead everyone was busy or gone. So I was disappointed. One neighbor did come by and was very impressed but that was it.

I waited all day Saturday to closed it up (had to leave on Sunday morning). Still no one came. So begrudgingly at 5 pm yesterday, I started working to close her up. Then one neighbor came by. Then another. Then another. Until most of the neighborhood was standing in my driveway.

One of my neighbors said he use to work with someone in the Pacific northwest that traveled on each job towing a TM. So he knew ALL about them. But when I lowered the back shell, his mouth dropped. Everyone was oohing and awing. It felt great. Then I lowered the front shell. They were all oohing and awing again.

It was a great day!
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