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Old 02-23-2008, 12:36 PM   #7
Posts: n/a

Same for me - While I am a little amazed at the passion of some folks when they feel "wronged", I am more than happy with the value I get from my membership and participation in this board. The lessons I have learned from others have been invaulable and worth way more than my subscripton.
As for "Off Topic" - I don't mind what goes in there as long as it remains "clean". I can simply choose to ignore it if it doesn't look interesting to me. I am not a geo-cacher, so I don't bother reading that thread, but certainly don't see anything wrong with having it there for those who are interested - just the same way I now ignore the "For Sale" as I already own a TM and no longer need to peruse that forum.
To Chris, the moderators, and all of the others who participate, you all get a big thank you from this new TM owner as your efforts have greatly added to my enjoyment of my TM.
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