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Old 03-15-2008, 05:44 PM   #10
Posts: n/a

When I bought my Honda 2000 in 2005, I do not think the Yamaha 2400 was available yet. My original plan was to get a second Honda 2000 if I ever went somewhere that I wanted to run the a/c.

Since hearing about the Yamaha 2400 I kept wondering if it would be better to sell the Honda 2000 and get the Yamaha 2400 or get a second Honda. I have been wondering this for more than a year.

I was at a show recently and they had the Yamaha there. I could lift it, but I'm not getting any younger, 54 now. I find it easier to lift the Honda with one hand with the Honda by my side instead of lifting the Yamaha in front of me. I decided to stick with the original plan.

For the two weekends prior to now I spent both days working on the TM, primarily constructing drawers for the cabinets. All that crawling around on the floor, especially when attaching screws to the wall in the back of the cabinet resulted in a painful back. Apparently I should be doing stretching exercises three times a day, according to my Chiropractor. I lost three days of work because of the back injury. The Yamaha would not be a good choice for me.
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