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Old 08-01-2008, 09:55 PM   #17
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Sensitive subject???? Not at all! Maybe it's the Texan in me, but I feel naked when I'm not carrying my Colt .45 ACP with me (concealed, of course). I didn't say I lived in fear; far from it. I am a Christian and I have faith that God is in total control at all times. I also strongly believe that He expects me to do everything humanly possible to protect myself and my family when and if we are in fear of our lives.

If you carry, you need to be formally trained and fully aware of recipical state agreements and each state's laws on carrying and using handguns.

If I were changing a flat tire on a deserted road at night and was approached by some crazy, I can pretty much say without hesitation that my family and I would remain safe.

D. White