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Old 04-10-2010, 04:52 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by brulaz View Post
This is a link to a picture of our furnace from the right side with the panel removed. There are no round 4" cutouts on this side, unlike the NT-20S. So I'm guessing this is an NT-20SE with the end vent covered.

What I hope to find out this week, is whether I can just add a proper NT-20SE end vent. It may require a small extension to the furnace, but that should be doable. I've seen pictures of Elkmonts with it. The side vent would then be only for the bathroom. We'll see.
The picture on picasso makes me believe that you may have a NT-20SE BUT with a NT-20 S front cover. I can see on the picture that there is what appears to be a serial number written with a "sharpie" to the rear on the furnace case. Make sure you have that number to give to the Customer Service Rep at Suburban.

And yes there is a high-heat-cut-out switch build into these furnaces. However my furnace is only held in place by the propane gas line coming through the floor. That is a code violation. And it is also placed on top of many wires, also a code violation.
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