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Old 06-07-2012, 05:30 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

I suspect the seam will eventually leak if just caulked and left uncovered. Covering it with some trim AND using Adhesive/sealant underneath really seems to be the solution.

You can use 3M Marine Adhesive Sealant Fast Cure 4200 to recaulk the existing trim after thoroughly cleaning underneath (silicone caulk isn't good enough in my experience).

But it looks like you've lost some of the trim. Perhaps you can find something to cover the remainder. When Trailmanor repaired my roof they just used a big piece of plastic and 3M adhesive/sealant to cover the seam. Alternatively you could order replacement trim from the factory which comes with its own glue. Or the Eternabond solution. They all seem to work when properly applied.
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