The closeup time to shut down the trailer itself is only about 5 minutes or less:
store kitchen cupboard
store chest of drawers
collapse dinette
push in slide
push in rear bed
close and latch shells
This is what can take longer depending on how you camp:
-clean up dishes, bedding, and all stuff that will be in the way of collapsing the trailer. We are not tidy campers in our TM with 2 kids, so this can take awhile.
-clean out toilet and empty holding tank; store hoses
-disconnect water and store hose
- switch fridge to DC, disconnect AC hook up
- hitch up trailer, retract stabilizers
- hook up towing mirrors
Rain is a non-issue unless it is very windy. No need to open and dry later.
With your pop - up, you probably didn't have to worry toilets, holding tanks, WDH, towing mirrors etc. The setting up and closing up of the TM is just a small part of the process.