View Full Version : Toilet question / tips

07-22-2012, 10:09 PM
Just got my TM two weeks ago and still fiddling with stuff around. I noticed lot of people are not big fans of the recirculating toilet that comes with the TM, and lot of them are keeping it for a "light" duty. However, I do have two kids, and would like to use our toilet exclusively, instead using whatever is available at camping site.
Now I have couple of questions about it.
- Can I throw TP in there (that hole looks very small) :-)
- If two adults, and two kids (7 & 4) use it constantly, how often do you think I would have to empty it before gets full, OR it starts to smell?
- Is it possible to dump the content in the tank (opening leveler on the bottom of the toilet), and charge it again for another couple of days? Is that holding tank big enough to handle two charges (I guess it would always hold only one charge. Once you empty first one, you release second one in the tank then dump it)?
- Did anybody ever have blockage, and how did you guys deal with it?
- Are there any good "nature friendly" type of chemicals that could be used and do work?



07-22-2012, 10:27 PM
Found this post http://www.trailmanorowners.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2354 which answers my 3th question...

07-22-2012, 11:22 PM
- Can I throw TP in there (that hole looks very small) :-)

Regular old TP is fine. RV TP not necessary. As one who has managed to plug up the house turlet many times, the TM has always come through!

- If two adults, and two kids (7 & 4) use it constantly, how often do you think I would have to empty it before gets full, OR it starts to smell?

Gets full - see posts about filling. You can maximize volume by only putting enough water in to make the water circulate - instead of filling to "empty". You can also drain off some by opening the valve and letting some flow down the pipe. All that aside, 3 of us can go 2 nights (more likely 3 nights) exclusively using the TM. Using a combination of what's available at the the campground, significantly more. It really doesn't have to smell. Keep the lid closed between use, yes.

- Is it possible to dump the content in the tank (opening leveler on the bottom of the toilet), and charge it again for another couple of days? Is that holding tank big enough to handle two charges (I guess it would always hold only one charge. Once you empty first one, you release second one in the tank then dump it)?

I think I heard you can get another gallon and a half as above. Not sure.

- Did anybody ever have blockage, and how did you guys deal with it?

Never, thank Goodness.

- Are there any good "nature friendly" type of chemicals that could be used and do work?

I use the stuff that is called for in the manual. http://www.thetford.com/Portals/0/pdf/Formaldehyde.pdf

07-22-2012, 11:40 PM
Thanks TM_Matt!
I camped before in the tent but never using camper. Do you have sewer drain at your site, or do you always have to go to the dump site? I assume that depends on the camp, but what is the "usual"? I am just wondering, as having sewer on the camping site, would simplify process of charging the toilet even if you have to do it ever second day or so.

07-23-2012, 05:51 AM
1. There is no holding tank under the trailer. The toilet is the holding tank.
2. Two adults and two kids will most likely fill the tank, with limited usage after 3 days.
3. If you have a site with sewer, use toilet, then when full, dump and recharge.
4. I would recommend RV Paper only. Make a good habit to start with.
5. By dumping the toilet into the drain pipe, you will be dumping a small portion of the content. Less than 1/2.

07-23-2012, 06:03 AM
Some of us also purchase a tote to dump it into and then recharge it so we don't have to move the toilet. Then we dump the tote. I liked our Barker tote but they cost more. We had an incident traveling and now have a Thetford tote. It was cheaper and readily available.

They all come with wheels...some smaller some larger. Remember fluids are heavy I think 6 pounds a gallon...so if you get the biggest one how will you get it to the dump station. We had a 10 gal. tote and I think we have a 12 or 15 gal. one now.

Extremely hot weather makes us want to dump sooner.

Suggestion...keep the lid down when not using.

We only use RV toilet paper.

T and C
07-23-2012, 12:02 PM
Problems with a smell from the Thetford seem to be a very personal matter. By that I mean that everyone seems to have a different tolerance level for unpleasant smells. Personally, I never notice it.

If we are just stopping for a night or two I use the Thetford chemicals, (the whole bottle) with formaldehyde. I understand that there is a biodegradable type as well. If we are staying longer I have the toilet tablets and throw in one a day to get even more bacteria killing solution.

That works for us.


07-23-2012, 08:36 PM
We use regular TP in the Thetford, and it's been fine for the 9 years we've owned it.

If you want to really want to conserve, don't prefill the toilet up at all, and don't use it for #2. Don't put TP into the toilet, put it into the garbage. If you want to use it for #2, keep a soda bottle full of water in the bathroom and use it to wash down the bowl contents.

We bought a porta-pottty that we're going to use in the TM after we get done tent camping for the summer. With the price of gas, and having just bought a Prius, we've decided to tent camp for the rest of the summer.

Brittany Dogs
07-23-2012, 09:37 PM
I use Scott tissue single ply toilet paper or the local no-name store equal to Scott tissue. It is fairly close to "RV" toilet paper at 1/3rd the cost. Plus it is available everywhere.

I use the toilet in the "dual purpose" mode (for #1 and #2). Two adults using it for a weekend campout and by Sunday departure, it is ready to get dumped.

Search for the Geo Method on this forum and on the web. It improves the cleanup.

Sometimes if the weather is warm and the toilet is on the second or third day and starts to smell, I just have to chalk up the extra cost of another bottle of Thetford Blue (Aqua Kem) as the price of admission to the camping experience.

The TrailManor bathroom is still cleaner than 90% of the toilets found at any campground I have ever been to.

07-24-2012, 07:46 AM
Discussions of special RV toilet paper are kind of like discussions of religion or politics. Everyone has an opinion, and no one's opinion is ever changed by the discussion. But still ...

There are any number of web sites that do the toilet paper test. They all involve putting a piece of TP into a jar of water, giving it a little shake, and watching it to see if it falls apart. The idea is that if the paper falls apart, it is RV safe. And the universal conclusion is that virtually all TP is RV safe, even if it is the stuff you use in your home. And you don't pay a bundle for it.

And yet people continue to spend tons of money on special RV toilet paper. I think the industry is safe.

Here is an example of one such web site, in this case from RVGeeks.com, who seem to know a few things about RVs.



07-24-2012, 09:49 AM
Cool...I am now a convert to regular toilet paper.

Scottie Dogs
07-24-2012, 05:30 PM
Hi -

We have been in Show Low AZ. now for 10 weeks with the TM, and I dump the toilet every morning, even if it is half full, I will take the shower head and fill the toilet up and dump then do a recharge. I do use the special toilet paper and it works good. I really like the toilet, the only thing I did was remove the skirt, that is for movement on the road for splash up especially for boats hitting the waves, it is useless unless you travel with a full toilet. I don't need to do that and never will...

The reason I dump in the morning I don't need to hear from the wife at 5 in the afternoon when I am kicking back and relaxing talking to camping neighbors, DEAR the toilet is full. I will spend a little extra money for chemicals so I don't have to dump right before dinner, get it done very early and enjoy your day...

“Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark”


09-17-2012, 08:34 AM
Just got my TM two weeks ago and still fiddling with stuff around. I noticed lot of people are not big fans of the recirculating toilet that comes with the TM, and lot of them are keeping it for a "light" duty. However, I do have two kids, and would like to use our toilet exclusively, instead using whatever is available at camping site.
Now I have couple of questions about it.
- Can I throw TP in there (that hole looks very small) :-)
- If two adults, and two kids (7 & 4) use it constantly, how often do you think I would have to empty it before gets full, OR it starts to smell?
- Is it possible to dump the content in the tank (opening leveler on the bottom of the toilet), and charge it again for another couple of days? Is that holding tank big enough to handle two charges (I guess it would always hold only one charge. Once you empty first one, you release second one in the tank then dump it)?
- Did anybody ever have blockage, and how did you guys deal with it?
- Are there any good "nature friendly" type of chemicals that could be used and do work?



We will get the occasional slider that will not slide. I go outside and find a stick and help it along. It's nasty but it works. I have not taken out the flapper yet but I'm thinking of doing it soon. It's no fun playing with "mud".

09-17-2012, 10:31 AM
I use the RV toilet paper. A 4 pack is a 2 year supply. for 5 adults, 3 of which are women.

We are gone most of the day, so no one is using the toilet from around 9AM until 5PM.

4 of the 5 of us are current or former backpackers. A vault toilet is a luxury item to encounter.

If we do not conserve, then I will need to close the TM, drive down 5 miles of single lane mud (dirt) then another 30 miles of paved road to the dump station. This is not practical. Especially if it were a daily event.

We, obviously, never have accesses to hookups. I have nothing against hookups. but my requirements are for a minimum of 1/4 acre site and the ability to legally ride ATVS from my campsite to the trails.

If I can hear any sound from an adjacent camper, then the sites are too small.

From now on there will be 6 of us. As of 9/1/2012 I became a grandfather. His requirement for the toilet will be zero for at least 6 months.

09-18-2012, 07:49 AM
2 adults, 2 kids, nearly exclusive use of the Thetford over routine 4 days/3 nights trips, and we've not yet gotten to "full" on the gauge.

12-10-2012, 01:57 PM
I have a 2005 30-23 and have used it many times. The toilet will last only 3-4 days periord with two adults. It is the down side of the trailer as is the size of the refrig. Fill it until is just starts to flush when you press the button. This is before the actual fill line shows. It's below the line but will give you an additional day. I privitive camp most of the time. No anything!

Pack a shovel and when you can, use the outdoors. You can extend a campout to a week if you do. Also take a large cooler to keep beer, sodas and the like cold so it gives the refrig more room for food. It fits fine when you close up the unit inside.

12-10-2012, 07:13 PM
If you really want to conserve, don't fill it at all & keep a 2 liter soda bottle full of water to wash the bowl down.

12-22-2012, 07:25 PM
I am getting ready to swap my recirculating toilet for the Thetford Curve, top of the line cassette.

I dry camp mostly and don't want to deal with dump stations, hoses, smell, etc. Having done that for years, luckily I had a Sewer Solution and my own septic tank next to my driveway. Now I have moved.

I will pull out the cassette at the end of 3-4 days camping and empty it into whatever toilet or Johnny on the spot, is available.

Gray water will go thru garden hose to my back "garden" or into a laundry sink.

12-23-2012, 11:00 AM
Does it make sense or as an option could one leave the waste water dump capability understanding that on the top end there is nothing to dump?
Let us know how the conversion goes. Thanks and good luck.