Don Freeman
New Member
Trailmanor feedback
I am in the process of selling my 2417. Have decided to move up to a motor home. Have had the TM for about 4 years and it been bullet proof. As far as set-up, my wife 5'-3" has no trouble. Just pull from the middle. She can set up/take down in 15 minutes. We keep a check list handy to follow with set up and take down as its important that there is nothing left open to snag. Would encourage you to check out the TM.
I am in the process of selling my 2417. Have decided to move up to a motor home. Have had the TM for about 4 years and it been bullet proof. As far as set-up, my wife 5'-3" has no trouble. Just pull from the middle. She can set up/take down in 15 minutes. We keep a check list handy to follow with set up and take down as its important that there is nothing left open to snag. Would encourage you to check out the TM.
I would like to have owners of TrailManor trailers to point out the negative features or operations or opinions they have discovered as owners of their
I have been looking seriously at the HiLo trailers. I am very interested in
the TrailManor and am planning on visiting a dealer soon to see one in person.
One comment I picked up somewhere is that some people might have a difficult time opening it up if they are not strong enough. My wife is 5' 2" and
is not known for toughness or strength. I'm wondering if she would be able
to open up a TM trailer. How much energy or muscle does it actually take?
I know this is a subjective question; but can you give some idea. How would
it compare with lifting a garage door that is on springs?
What other negative observations do you have? I would appreciate total
honesty. I'm not looking for perfection. But I am a skeptical potential
customer. The brochure, for instance, shows a lady acting as if she is opening up a trailer; but it is not a video, so anyone could have pulled it
up and then had her stand at that position for the photo.
I am not trying to be negative, but seeking the whole truth in practical experience.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,