I have a 2009.5 2720SL with swing hitch and power jack from the factory. Mine also came with a wheel, not a footpad (for which I am eternally grateful!)
There is no issue with the swing-away. I lift the front on the corner jacks, retract the wheel so it's off the ground, swing away, and then lower the wheel to roll the TM the last few feet into position in the garage. It's an extremely tight fit for me (just a few inches all around) so the swing is a necessity. I do not have any issues with the grounding for the jack to operate, even when fully "swung" around, and I didn't add any kind of extra grounding wire. It just works, until I disconnect the whole front piece for storage.
Additionally, for the factory power jack, there is no issue with sliding out the slide all the way. There's extra room behind the jack, in fact, when the room is slid all the way out. (The same cannot be said for raising the hatch on the minivan while hitched, but that's a whole 'nother story.)
All in all, I'm very pleased with the function of the factory installed power jack with the swing-away tongue. Without both, I don't think I would be able to store the TM in my garage as I do.