M&M Hokie
Welcome to the family! Congratulations on the new toy.
This is not normal. The power should go out when the wall is down and not come back on until the rear bath wall is set back up. There is either a defective switch in the bath wall, a short in the wiring or most likely a misadjusted switch in the wall.....One question, when we tested taking down the bathroom walls, the power went out, then came back on when the put the wall all the way down. Is that normal? We closed it up twice and it did the exact same thing, but everything else electrical seems fine.....
The adapter is the easy part and is available at any RV or even at most Hardware stores. Here is a link showing the one we sell. It just plugs on to the end of the TM cord and adapts it to a normal 120 Volt household outlet.
You just can't turn on more than 20 Amps worth of things at a time or it will trip the breaker in the house. I am able to run the air conditioner and a few lights, but am always carefull not to turn on too much. Sort of like "Green Acres", if anybody remembers that.
We haven't towed it yet, the owner towed to our house using our 3.5 inch drop hitch (that's all we could find at Walmart on such sort notice, they were out of straight 2 inch ball hitches). It sagged in the front when backed into our house. We live on a cul-de-sac and it was kinda of a real tight turn into the drive. It sagged too much in the front when backing in. He said we really need a 2" straight. Not sure if we need a wdh on the Tahoe. They have a similar vehicle and seemed to be just fine. First priority is to make sure everything works first before taking it out. Want to get new tires also. I have to read up on the braking system needed for the Tahoe. We purchased a towing package, but I know we'll need to add a thing or two before we take it out.
I'm thinking of getting a front hitch for the Tahoe to make getting the TM into the drive easier.
Thanks, we're having a heat wave in D.C. and no shade to park under at the house. I'm running out now to get more things and the tags for the TM. I'll look for a 12 gauge ext. cord while I'm out.