Okay. We have first refusal on new (2006 or 2007) 3326 for $28.9.
We have our new TV rated up to at least 6,500#, with a V6, Prodigy brake controller. Majority of our travels will be on flat lands or rolling hills (Louisiana, Mississippi, FL, TX). Possibly mountains every once in a great while (less so if gas hits $4/gal) We are using this for our cowboy action shooting.
My concern is the fuel bite of the 3326 over something like the 3124.
My wife's concern is it too big (I'm fine with smaller, but I think she will like the extra room).
One thing that surprised me, was just how noisy the a/c is. Are they all like that?
What kind of maintenance do these guys need in year?
Well that's it team...waiting on your response...
We have our new TV rated up to at least 6,500#, with a V6, Prodigy brake controller. Majority of our travels will be on flat lands or rolling hills (Louisiana, Mississippi, FL, TX). Possibly mountains every once in a great while (less so if gas hits $4/gal) We are using this for our cowboy action shooting.
My concern is the fuel bite of the 3326 over something like the 3124.
My wife's concern is it too big (I'm fine with smaller, but I think she will like the extra room).
One thing that surprised me, was just how noisy the a/c is. Are they all like that?
What kind of maintenance do these guys need in year?
Well that's it team...waiting on your response...