Our 2001 had a factory side AC when we got it. It had a drip pan, but that cracked and leaked after about 15 years, and I couldn't repair it.
I installed the same AC as Wavery - I found out about it from him - and it's an upgrade in power from the factory. 10K BTU I think and the factory was 8K.
I fabricated a drip pan out of sheet metal, but the AC barely fit in the cabinet as it was was and I just couldn't get it to fit with the bottom drain sticking out. I was going to try a drain out the side but then the drip pan turned up for sale.
When/if I have to replace it again, I am going to get a smaller AC so it's not such a tight fit. We don't camp in the summer so much any more since we don't have school age children any more.
We have camped year round in Texas and it works OK, not great but OK. If you can get the trailer in the shade of a tree or any kind of shade, that helps a lot.
We do have a big floor fan that we sit in the rear of the hall (basically in front of the converter panel) to blow the cool air away from the AC and towards the front bed and table.
In the year or so that we didn't have the side AC installed, I used a 10K BTU portable AC (single duct) and ran the duct out the side mount's grill. We placed the unit in front of the stove and we were able to get by it OK. Again it worked OK but not great. Dual duct portable units are better, but I couldn't figure out how to install one in the TM. This unit did not produce any water so that was another reason we chose that particular one. (There was some small amount of water captured internally that you have to drain when you store the unit).