I too have to agree with the previous posts. It looks like TM may be trying to be all things to all people. We traded up to a used TM from a Coleman Santa Fe at almost twice the cost we paid for the Coleman. We felt the benefits of a TM outweighed the extra cost, and money well spent. That being said I don't think this new model's cost outweighs the benefit. In reading this forum I've seen many posts from folks just like us who use to own tent trailers; I wonder how many would have traded up to this version. Not us at that cost!! The engineering that is TM is what brought us to buy in the first place. Were else can you find a trailer with all it offers and yet closes to pull like our previous trailer. We were in Yosemite and Lake Tahoe last month and fielded lots of inquiries about our trailer. They are unique in every way, and a source of pride as an owner. TM’s engineers should spend copious time reading this forum and fine tune those things that are of greatest concern to their owners and less time on looking at what other manufactures are making. They’ve got a great idea. Stick with it. I hope TM can come out of this intact, and able to grow their business with the tried and trued models that attracted us to buy a TM.