Torsion bars out of whack, broken bolt, what to do?
Ok... On my new to me 3023, the shells were difficult to open. I've read through all of the guides, and we adjusted the rear shells, so that now I can open them myself. I have to use a little muscle, but at least it is a one person job.
On the front. Wow, we're all out of whack. The door side seems as if it has no spring at all. When you close, it lands with a thwump so hard it actually latches itself!.. However, on the torsion bars (adjusting on the opposite side, of course), the center bolt is tightened as far as it can be tightened, and the front bolt has been adjusted pretty far, as far as we can tell, and the bolt head has been sheared off.
We're working to remove the sheared off bolt, but having problems. If and when we get the bolt out, what happens now? With the center bolt tightened all the way, there is no more umph to give to that side, where it desparately needs it.
Could I possibly have a bent torsion bar in the center? Is there anything else that could be wrong? I'm in Oklahoma, I have no clue where my closest service center is.
Any advice is welcome.