Bathroom Modification
I'm thinking of re-modeling the bathroom, to make it larger and feel like a "master" bath. How, you ask? Well, I have a 3124KS, and was thinking of removing the wall of the bathroom in the "hallway", and moving it between the oven and the closet. The door would then be angled, and face the kitchen/living area. When you walk into the bathroom, the entire area, that used to be the "hall" would be the bathroom. I think it would seem a lot roomier, as well as provide a more private larger dressing area, as the closets would also now be a part of the bathroom. I've been looking at the design, and I don't think it would take much to do. Just wanted to get some feedback to see if anyone else has done something similar. I'll keep y'all updated, I probably won't dive into this until late winter/early spring. I'm also going to add a skylight over the shower - that's going to be a bit more difficult and require some ingenuity.