A better idea would be just to engineer a longer base, and use an appropriate sized air mattress on top. There was a thread in the past on this idea, but it seems fairly straightforward, as only the "foot" area (e.g. the leading edge of the couch cushion) would need to be "lengthened" to allow for support of an air mattress, which could be stored under the couch when not in use.
Replacing the couch would mean giving up storage, the furnace, and adding significant weight to the slide-out, which would make utilizing that mechanism more difficult, not to mention towing weights if you're close to your limit. On the other hand, creating some kind of platform that can clip onto the underside of the cushion and rest on the floor to take the weight of the foot of the air mattress would alleviate all of these issues, with a lot less fuss.
2009.5 2720SL
2006 Toyota Sienna
2018 Audi Q7