We did our maiden of our TM and were happy that most things worked once we got setup at Lake Jennings. When we left we had two major problems to solve. The rear shell has no power and the water heater does not start on propane.
The switch that engages the power to the rear shell is activated by an aluminum L bracket screwed to the rear bed. It was bent forward and would not make the switch. I bent it back and the rear shell power came on. But any movement of the bed and the lights would flicker. The switch is a good safety feature but the activation method is IMHO a poor design. I had to temporarily jump the switch to make it work but I do not want that to be a permanent fix because it is a safety feature. Still thinking about that one.
We ran the water heater on AC power and sometime during the first day we decided to try to get the water heater to fire on propane. What do you know it started right up while the TM was on shore power. I know the battery is good so i doubt that it is suffering from low voltage when on battery power so it is still on my list of fixes.
My general impression of the TM is that the design of the TM and its ability to morph from a light, low and short trailer to a comfortably living space is unique and innovative. The aluminum construction should with proper care last for many years. Most of the internal features and appliances are on par for a $30k ish trailer. However the thin plastic rails that the rear bed rides on and the plastic bathroom wall edge trim pieces tend to snag each other and cause them to pop off or get damaged.
I would like to see TM improve some of the interior construction components and fastening methods but all in all it is a good product. So in the final analysis would I recommend the TM to someone else? Ask me in a few years.