Troubleshooting and repair of the Norcold refrigerator
The TM's Norcold refrigerator is the source of a lot of questions, misinformation, and occasionally some very frustrating problems. The refrigerator is particularly frustrating when the propane burner either won't light, or lights and then goes out as soon as the button is released.
Our member Commodor47 found a helpful article on another RV-oriented web site. With the permission of the site's owner, I retrieved the article, re-united the parts of the article that had gotten scattered, and added a Table of Contents. Although the article contains some general-purpose information, it concentrates on troubleshooting the propane burner, and correcting problems that are found. The result should be easy and proper operation on propane. If you are reading the article in order to do some propane troubleshooting, I particularly recommend that you click the link to the Service Bulletin - Checking for problems in LP mode on page 2.
The article, converted to PDF format, is posted here.
DISCLAIMER AND WARNING This article deals with disassembly, repair, and reassembly of a propane burning appliance. Propane is dangerous, and nothing in this article mitigates that danger. It is recommended that unless you are well-trained in propane burning appliances, you engage a certified repair technician to perform the work described herein.