Have you checked with the factory? They should be able to give ya which brand they use/used and a price if you want to go thru them. Your not bound to buy, but knowing their price with shipping will let you decide where you want to buy it from. I replaced my old one with the BAL from Amazon. I discovered that I did NOT have to pull the frame mount, I just took the top bolts off, slipped the new jack links on to that mount. Way easier, since the new jack mount holes did not align with the BAL jack. Other than the frame mount, the big thing is drive screw attachment. Does it use a socket or a J-hook to bring it up or down?
Parts/Service Text or Call 605-999-9605
2013 2619
80 watt solar panel/swing hitch/low profile A/C.
Enduro 4445 caravan mover
2016 Dodge Ram 1500 V8 Hemi
Installed powered folding tow mirrors
Stopped playing with airplanes, now I just enjoy watching them fly by.