This weekend, we went camping and took our dogs with us. We decided to put the dogs in their crate so we could go into the town really quick to get more supplies. We figured Sayde get car sick easily and it would be better to crate them so she can rest and recover from her car sickness. When we came back, both dogs have escaped from their crate.
One dog have chewed the bottom rubber shield off on the door. I have part of the shield there and other part is gone.
Have anybody ever replaced the shield? It is hard or easy to do? Should I order the part from the factory and fix it myself or take the trailer in for a repair?
The rubber on the right side of the door (facing the door from the inside of the trailer) is also chewed off.
We used towels to block out the bugs and heat. It was actually in the upper 70's this weekend. Kind of weird for January weather, but I am not complaining.
Dogs will definitely be in their crate next time much tighter.