Matt from Matt’s RV Reviews created Liquified toilet treatment a few years back. It has been shown to outperform everything else on the market when it comes down to breaking down waster on several YouTube channels.
And now they are giving away 1,000 bottles FREE! I’ve used this for a couple years in the SeaLand toilet* and it works great. No odor**, and breaks down solids quickly.
Go to, provide some basic info, and get a promo code for a free bottle plus shipping.
I have no affiliation with Matt’s RV Reviews or Liquified, I get nothing out of this. Just sharing a good deal.
*I DO NOT recommend this for the Thetford recirculating toilet. You want all the solids to stay solid so they stay in the cage and not get sucked into the pump.
**I’ve only used the orange flavor, never tried the lavender flavor.