Hello, our converter seems to have failed on our 2012 2720. I tested with a MM & ran shore power while disconnected from batteries & no DC or battery being charged, while AC is showing 119 volts.
I would like to replace the converter with an eye towards upgrading to lithium batteries & solar...
From a 2012 2720TM, Dometic 0.7 cubic inches.
It works fine I just don't have a use for it.
$50 or OBO, local to area only (La Verne, CA.), unless buyer wants to pay for shipping.
Will consider an appropriate item(s) for barter.
Hello, when checking my lights I noticed that the right turn signal is not working, brake light is weak & light in general is dimmer.
I would like to start with simplest solution, replace the bulb, but looking at the housing I can't tell if I can pop off the internal black cover to get to t...
Hello, does anyone know if the shower head unit can be replaced with an off the shelf unit or must it be OEM?
The lever broke & it seems to me that I can replace the head unit only.
Hello all, I'll be traveling (April) from So. California to Coeur D' Alene, ID, and was wondering if anyone had any tips or recommendations on places to stop at.
Will be traveling with dogs so the more isolated the better -BLM land would be ideal, but don't want to stray to far from the main...
Hi, does anyone have any experience replacing the old toilet for a new one?
We have a 2012 2720QB, but are considering replacing the old toilet for a new one, staying with the recirculating system.
Thetford seems to still make them.
We just purchased a 2012 2027(QB). It came with 2 6v batteries, but they don't seem to hold a charge.
I have driven for at least 6 hrs, plugged it into my garage (30amp outlet) for at least 36 hrs & if I unplug from the house nothing electrical works, except for the jack.
The switch that...
Hello, I went the DMV in (SoCal) & had t go through a verification process -since we bought it out of state & need to transfer ownership.
The inspector could not find the manufacture label/fed label.
Does anyone know where this label is?
Great site, after being a prospective TM owner, we are now TM owners of a 2012 2720QB, we love it!
Waiting for this California weather to cool off some & need time to familiarize ourselves with the TM.
Excited about learning its nuances & how to back it into our narrow driveway - lots of...