Community Rules

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Janet H

Senior Member
Site Team
Jul 29, 2008
There is no charge to join this Forum! This is a community of individuals who share a common interest in RVs and camping and we're glad you're here. Please think before you post, keep your comments limited to the topic at hand, and above all be nice. If you have any problems navigating the site or a concern about site content, do not hesitate to let us know. We'll be happy to address your concerns.

Be Courteous!
We aim to ensure that the forum is an enjoyable place that you want to visit time and time again. Many of our community's members have a wealth of knowledge and much to share. Please help new members learn about how to find information and resources and how to get involved in the Community. Our rules extend to all sections of the website including private messaging.
  • Our rules extend to all sections of the website including messaging functions, galleries and any other public or private posting.
  • Do not engage in personal attacks. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Sarcasm, belligerence, insults, profanity, extreme anger, offensive comments about race, gender, sexual orientation, and national origin are not acceptable.
  • Do not post libelous remarks or directly misleading information.
  • Do not post the same discussion topic more than once or in several areas of the forum.
  • Please post in the proper category.
  • Do not take every opportunity to express your disagreement, incite argument, insult each other, or fan flames. Voice your opinion respectfully and then let it go.
  • We will not tolerate bigotry in any form, including posts intended to incite expressions of such bigotry from others.
  • Posts containing explicit, obscene or vulgar language, images or links to websites with adult content/images or punctuation marks designed to "trick" our obscenity filter will be removed.
  • Trolling and cyberstalking are NOT allowed and are grounds for account restriction or removal. Trolling on this board includes posting controversial and often irrelevant or off-topic messages with the intention of (or anticipated result of) baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal, harmonious on-topic discussion, especially when a pattern of such posting is apparent.
  • Our user base is not a resource to be "mined" by individuals, groups, or businesses, for profit or not for profit. The use of the Forum to solicit members and/or customers for other groups, lists or businesses is expressly forbidden.
  • Participants may not post affiliate links or links to direct others to any pages at their own commercial website or website in which they have a commercial interest, including informational pages unless a vendor account has been established.
  • Be mindful of yourself and others. This forum is not a democracy; it is privately owned and we make the rules. If rules are violated we retain the right to remove, edit, or delete posts and if necessary remove members. Any abuse directed at our staff may/will result in immediate suspension of your account.
  • Complaints about moderator decisions may not be made in posts; instead send a private message to a moderator. If a moderator deletes or edits one of your posts and you disagree with the action, contact the moderator concerned. Do not repost deleted material.
  • General discussions, statements and images that are political in nature or that reference general government policies, weaponry, gun rights and religion are not allowed in ANY areas of the forum. Discussions about current or pending legislation or regulations, weapons and religion that directly pertain to RVing are acceptable but will be closed or removed if they wander off topic or become disruptive.
  • We take the "be nice" rule VERY seriously! We do not tolerate any rudeness.
Posting standards:
  • Forum members should use the standard fonts available on the forum. The use of bold, large or colored fonts should be used sparingly. Posts containing inappropriate formatting will be removed or modified at our discretion; e.g. all caps or excessive color.
  • E-mail and web addresses are not appropriate forum display names.
  • Posts should be well formatted. Use paragraphs, punctuation, and capital letters appropriately. The language of this forum is English. If you are not a native English speaker, do your best. We are glad to have you as a member and will be supportive and polite.
  • Do not post protected or copyrighted material. Information copyrighted or owned by any individual or entity other than the member should not be posted on the discussion forums without the consent of the owner. If such an event occurs, the individual posting the information shall be held solely responsible. You cannot legally post entire articles or news in the forum without permission from the copyright holder. Even if you attribute the article correctly, it is still copyright infringement. Under Fair Use provisions you may legally post a small abstract of an article - or perhaps the opening paragraph. In either case, please post a link to the source. The exception to this rule is press releases; they are meant for distribution and can be copied and posted in their entirety. If you are not sure if you can copy something, then always err on the side of caution and simply post a link to the material.

Signatures: Signatures are set up in your profile. They will appear at the bottom of every post you make.
  • Signatures must be set up in your profile rather than manually added to your messages.
  • Signatures may not contain commercial links.
  • Signatures may not include email addresses, phone numbers, links to competing websites, prompts to contact or a sales pitch.
  • Signatures must follow our forum posting standards.
Classifieds Use:
Our classifieds system is offered as a benefit of membership. No commercial advertising is allowed. We expect ads placed to be related to Thor products and items of interest to our community. When placing an ad on the classifieds page your contact details may be verified via sms.
  • Place only one ad per item - do not post or repost an ad in more than one section of the classifieds.
  • Ad copy should be descriptive of the item being sold and not used to promote any person or business.
  • Do not place ads directing others to another sales listing or website.
  • Sellers must mark their ads as sold when the item has been sold.
  • The classified system is intended for general consumer use.
  • Ads may be removed by our staff at any time for any reason.
Commercial Parties (For-profit companies and Industry professionals): The forum neither discourages or endorses any commercial entity and is not intended for soliciting business. Our purpose is sharing knowledge so others can benefit. We may, at our discretion, grant vendor account status to industry professionals who are already members in good standing. Authorized commercial participants must adhere to all the forum policies including these specifically set out for commercial participants.
  • Members who have a commercial interest in participating in our community will be identified as commercial members at our discretion and may NOT solicit or quote prices in any forum.
  • Commercial members may not use any section of the forum to discuss their products or services unless answering a direct question and even in this case may not quote prices.
  • Commercial members may place a (1) link to their company website in their signature line.
Dealer/Vendor and Customer Disputes: This forum is not intended to be a mechanism for people to solely vent frustrations about services, products, vendors, or sales. You may post about problems you have in an effort to learn from others with similar issue but please settle your differences with the seller, provider, manufacturer, or dealer through other means but not through our community.

About the First Amendment, censorship and your "right to free speech": You have a right to free speech, but not on this forum. It is privately owned and requires members to abide by our guidelines and by the decisions of our moderators. If you cannot accept these guidelines please feel free to contact one of the many good web hosting companies out there to set up an account, create your own discussion board and exercise your First Amendment rights to your heart's content.

Site Management & Member Concerns: If site rules are violated, we may remove, edit, or delete posts and if necessary ban or restrict account access. If a moderator deletes or edits one of your posts and you disagree with the action, contact the moderator concerned or any other member of our site team. Do not repost deleted material or use the discussion thread to comment on moderator actions. This forum is largely self-policing, which means that moderators will respond and react to problems reported through the REPORT POST option, or via PM. Do not hesitate to use these tools to report any problems regarding the forum.

Account Management: Requests for changes to your account should be made by using the Contact Us link at the bottom of every forum page. Participants may only have one account. Moderators may consolidate or delete multiple accounts.

Disabling Accounts: We may remove accounts that have no posts. If the account has many posts, completely deleting the account can significantly disrupt thread continuity. In that event, we may (if requested and at our discretion) disable your account in some or all of the following ways:
Change the user name, remove signature content, subscriptions, avatar and any info from the profile that might be identifying, change account options to refuse contact and ban the account.

Someone has to interpret these guidelines and how they apply to this forum. Ultimately it's up to our site moderators and administrator to make this decision. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please feel free to contact a moderator or administrator. Thanks to everyone for keeping the tone appropriate for a group of friends, at least the vast majority of the time. Please keep it up!

Registering and participating constitutes agreement to abide by the RV LIFE Network Terms of Service (RV LIFE the company that owns this forum). We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time without giving prior notice to you.
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