I changed out my door lock and knob with residential assemblies. Be aware that you will need a 1/4 inch thick plate or shim to do this modification. Residential doors are 1/4 inch thicker than RV doors. I went to the hardware store and bought 2 aluminum plates to fill the gap. Then in talking with my brother, he reminded me that he's a tool and die guy. Gave him the dimensions and he made me a plate with the holes drilled out and it fit perfectly. I used a Kwickset lock/deadbolt with smart key option; which matches my home locks and it works great. I do find that every so often one of the locks gets sticky. I reset the smart key as you would if swapping keys and it starts working great again. So, I know have one key for home and RV.
I find having a lever handle is so much easier as I get older. I'll probably swap out my home doors with levers soon enough.