Casey Freswick
Senior Member
On August 21, 2021 I found a great deal on new bakes for my TM. Only $80. I do not remember exactly what online store I bought them so I can not incriminate anyone. I thought my 2006 was due and we put a lot of miles on our TM (4,500 in the last 2 months). As we were just pulling out from MI to MT there was a strange sound on one side of the brake, but I could not duplicate it so thought it might be a little stone. Drove 1,400 miles and heard it again. So took off the tire, pulled the drum and I found the end of the spring that connected the two shoes worn to nothing, the star bolt and nut subsequently came loose and were rolling around inside. They had jammed one brake shoe and 1/2 of 1 brake shoe was also rolling around inside. The other spring did the same thing, but had not yet jammed to brake a brake shoe. I went to a trailer manufacturer that also sold parts and bought 2 new brake assemblies for $170 made in America. Looks are deceiving but I am far more confident in this new assembly. So be warned, do not buy the cheapest brake assembly for your TM (or any other trailer). I am just thrilled it did not freeze up my trailer brake going down the road, rip the tread off the tire and rip the sewer assembly out. I have great expectations for the future.
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