Craig, my TM is wrapped for the rest of the winter. Won't have access to take pics of the installation, or the controller. However, it was not difficult to mount and wire my two 100w panels.
I have a couple pics in Post 37 in the
Solar For Dummies thread. There is a larger picture of my original install in
Post 64. Those are of my first TM installation. I did my new TM installations the same way.
The important factors in my mind are:
1) Use VHB tape, and don't drill holes in your roof
2) Run the wires from the panels down the side inside wire-wraps (not sure what they are called, but they are supposed to hide wires in your living room), and silicone the mounted wire-hides
3) A controller with digital readouts is better than just idiot lights, like my first controller had
4) If you have a battery-isolation switch, make sure that it does not isolate the solar panels when the rest of the TM is isolated. This way, it will constantly be charging batteries.
I love my solar, but there are many ways to install. I suggest the Solar Panels for Dummies thread (even though it got pretty in-depth towards the end).