Originally Posted by central_texan
...wondered if there is a significant heat buildup from the fridge burner when the trailer is stowed. Also, should the fridge fan be run when towing with the fridge on LP?
Read your refrigerator instruction book. If you understand the principal, whether you operate on LP, 12VDC or 120VAC, heat needs to be removed from the ammonia line in order to keep the reefer cold. That's is the purpose of the fan, whether the shells are opened or closed for traveling. So, when you take off on a trip, make sure the fan is turned on, whether you use LP or 12VDC while traveling.
It is adviseable to pre-cool the refrigerator on 120VDC or LP for about 24 hours before you plan to leave. Load the reefer during the last couple of hours. Before you close up, I recommend you switch to 12VDC and turn on the fan. Be aware though, if your tow vehicle battery is not isolated from the trailer when the ignition switch is turned off, you could run down the battery in the TV if parked too long (10-12 hrs) with the trailer connected. The reefer draws about 10 amps on 12VDC.
LP is best used if you are boondocking and 120VDC is not available at the campsite. We use LP while traveling with our current rig because the reefer doesn't have the 12VDC option as our TM did. It is safe to do so as long as you remember to turn off the reefer at gas stations, before entering tunnels, or loading the rig onto a ferry.
Happy camping,