The heat is not exception in St. Louis. However, today's temps in the low 70s is and exception which we are enjoying. MO has many nice campgrounds and an excellent website about them. It shows the amenities, a photo of the campsite and even its driveway lenght and slope. Just go to the MO DNR site and you'll get more info than you need. Phone reservations can be made, also. We just returned from Rocky Mountain National Park. Hwy 70 going east at exits 208/209 are being repaired: one lane traffic. So check with the MO state patrol if you are traveling east on Hwy. 70. Hwy. 64 is also under major reconstruct and MoDOT has current info on their website, also. Good traveling. Olga and Ken, Northwoods (Florissant, MO)
The Smiths
Ken and Olga
'12 Chevy Tahoe,'04 3023 [Northwoods}