Ditto most of what's been said, especially what PopBeavers said; with a family of 5 we wanted as much bedspace as we could get, and you can't find that in a HiLo that fits in our garage. Aliners and Chalets are not serious options with this many people.
Popups were a serious consideration, and have lots of bedspace for the $ because, like the TM that we bought, they have beds that slide out on both ends. The one we rented had a bathroom, but the TM's bathroom is just so very much nicer. It was hard to get the kids or the DW to get enthusiastic about the popup bathroom, but there is no hesitation at all in the TM. The TM's shower is actually usable also; vs the marine toilet setup in the popup that was laughable. Also, it rained some in the middle of our popup rental camping trip; not enough to be a problem, but enough to open my eyes as to the impending disaster if it rained when I was trying to take it down. That mild little rain did more for encouraging me to look elsewhere than anything else.