Here's a newsflash on the subject of boating: I bet I'm the only one on here who tows a boat behind our TM! It's a 16' jon boat with 25HP. At less than 500# (boat/motor/trailer), we haven't noticed any undo stress on the TM or TV. As an added bonus, we get better mileage in double-tow mode because we slow way down for safety (read sway) reasons. Had to rig up my own trailer wiring plug. Made a 7-prong input into TV that splits 7-prong for TM and a 4-flat for boat trailer. (Only used 6 prongs on TM because backup lights obviously become useless in DT mode.) Works well and entire 3-rig setup meets the double-tow laws where we run out here in CO/NE/KS. Someday we'll get a 14' car-topper V-bottom to eliminate double-towing, but for now this gets us out on the water...
Are you using the factory bolt on TM hitch & if so is it bolted or welded? Makes me wonder if the hitch could really be used for 3 MTN bikes.
I know of some friends with a fifth wheel that tow a couple of PWC behind it.
Billy, I truly hope you have great experiences in your "new" boat. Be safe always. Congrats!!
Thanks we are really looking forward to Spring now.
Billy - you just need to add a front and rear shell that fold down for easy towing and then raise up and out once on the water to turn that thing into a nice houseboat
That would be something for sure, Water Manor :new_Eyecr
Billy, Where are you in TN? We boat all the time in East TN - mostly Watts Bar, Ft. Loudon, Tellico, Melton Hill, Norris. Many beautiful lakes. We mostly camp during cooler months once boating season's over! BTW I've been a boater for 37 years, we had an Ebbtide deck boat. I think they are very well built.
We are in Nashville area so we plan on spending allot of time on Old Hickory & surrounding lakes. We also plan on going to Center Hill making two trips, One with TM second with boat.
We only have one more year on our company truck which will free up allot of income to go camping further away.
WOW that is a long time come to think of it you have almost been boating longer than I have been alive. I have always liked boating just never been in the position to take the risk on being a boat owner. I was always afraid of loosing too much money on a new boat just in case I was one of the ones that fit the old saying. You know the one about the Two Happiest Days in a Boaters Life.
We had a client that bought this boat new & never really used it much. We had been in before & knew how they took care of it so it was a GREAT 1st boat for us. We have already been asked if we want to sell it by a few people including a EBBtide Factory Employee believe it or not.
I plan on cleaning her up really good inside & out. There is a little chalking on the Hull so I am sure I have some work ahead of me getting it all smoothed out.
So far so good there isn't that many things broke & my neighbor told me he thought it was a new boat it looked so good.
My list of issues is as follows:
1. Dash Lights not working UPDATE:Fixed
2. A few scrapes here & there on hull
3. Minor Skeg Damage
4. "Trailer Surge" Brake MC was very low on fluid.
5. Might need a new winch Strap just to be safe.
6. Both Captains chairs have small spot where a seem is slightly separating in lower lumbar area.
7. One speaker in stereo is broken.
8. Pull Strap for Bow cooler is in need of repair.
9. Carpet needs cleaning badly along with all interior.
10. Exterior needs a good cleaning & buffing.
11. Trailer wiring needs replaced just to make things easier to fix.
12. Steering wheel has hair line cracks in one side.
So far this is a complete list & IMO for the age is very minor issues.