We've bought beaded screens in Chinatown (San Francisco) before...if you have any import stores close by they might have them at a pretty good price. I guess it depends on how big the mosquitos are; around here they're pretty small and they would probably get in between those beads. It would make a difference on how many bead strands per horizontal inch there were; they can vary a lot. If you were to buy enough bead strands to fit very closely in the door opening, that would help, but you might have to hang them on something other than the original hanger they came with, maybe a narrow diamater of PVC pipe with a slit in the bottom. You could tie off the beads and put the top bead into the PVC pipe and maybe restring them onto something fairly strong like fish line. If you painted the PVC pipe to match the beads it would look better. I think that the set that my son has in his room cost $20, but they are pretty sparse per linear horizontal inch. To make a tight closure you'd probably have to buy at least two of them for the TM door; if you were to only use them for the top half it might not take that many. If you have really big mosquitos maybe one set might work.